The RSPBANI Branch School are changing their name to ‘Pipe Band College NI’. This is to align with the new RSPBA HQ Pipe Band College whose objects and purposes are:
- Raise standards in piping, drumming and pipe band music at all levels within the
- Raise standards in the design, development and delivery of musical education
programmes for pipers and drummers.
- Establish an Examinations Board on behalf of the Board of Directors which shall exist
to quality assure all educational and training activities and award RSPBA certificates to
students who have been successfully achieved in RSPBA Education and Training
- On behalf of the Board of Directors, provide support and guidance to the RSPBA’s
representatives on the Piping and Drumming Qualifications Board (PDQB), ensure
adherence to PDQB operating procedures and organise student assessments for RSPBA
and PDQB programmes.
- Plan, organise and manage the assessment of students and maintain accurate records
of student assessments and record student attainments
- Raise standards in the recruitment, selection and training RSPBA/PDQB Assessors and
Instructors and maintain accurate records of RSPBA approved Instructors and Assessors
- Design, develop and make available to RSPBA members, high-quality piping and
drumming tuition resources
- Provide advice to the Association on educational matters
- Engage with the Adjudicators Panel Management Board on matters of joint interest
particularly in relation to Education and Training.