Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Northern Ireland Branch School Appoints New Principal

The RSPBANI Branch School has recently appointed Mark Faloon as their new School Principal.

Mark is a renowned Piper, Tutor, Pipe Major and a former member of Field Marshal Montgomery having won every major title with the band. Mark is also a Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Adjudicator holding all the RSPBA qualifications having recently achieved his Pipe Band Musicianship qualifications.

School Conveyor Adam Fawcett said, “we are delighted that Mark has accepted the role of Branch School Principal, he is highly qualified and respected in Pipe Band circles and will bring his expertise and knowledge to take the Branch School to the next level.”

Mark said, “I am looking forward to the challenge of the role of School Principal and providing the opportunity for School members to excel in their chosen art and assisting them to achieve their accredited qualifications to progress their knowledge and skills.”

The Branch School runs five centres on Saturday mornings at Banbridge, Cookstown, Broughshane, Enniskillen and Derry/Londonderry.  The School offers expert tuition in Piping, Drumming and Drum Majoring practical and theory with students being taught Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework levels.

For further details on the Branch School please email