Launch of The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Northern Ireland Branch President’s Charity, Tuesday 26th January, 2016

Winston Pinkerton President of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Northern Ireland Branch, (RSPBANI) has chosen the British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland (BHF NI) for the 2016 Pipe Band Championships season.

In choosing this charity Mr Pinkerton said “Quite a number of pipe band personnel, myself included, have required cardiac medical help through surgery, medication and advice for various reasons and we are most grateful for the excellent cardiac care now available. The Pipe Band fraternity in Northern Ireland tragically lost two young male members of the Pipe Band movement due to heart disease, 38 year old Andrew Duncan, (Bready Ulster-Scots Pipe Band) and more recently Derek Walker, (Manorcunningham Pipe Band). The RSPBANI President’s Charity is one way that we can raise funds to increase awareness and treatment to fight heart disease”.

Continuous research which increases the available skilled surgery requires much needed financial input. The BHF are the nation’s heart charity and the largest independent funder of cardiovascular research. Coronary heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer but BHF are leading the fight against it. Their pioneering research has helped to transform the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions.  BHF work has been central to the discoveries of vital treatments that are helping to change the face of the UK’s fight against heart disease.

BHF NI fundraising manager Gary Wilson said, “Everyday ten people in Northern Ireland die from heart disease. This is too many families facing the sudden devastation of losing a loved one. We are delighted the President of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Northern Ireland Branch has chosen to support us and help fund new discoveries in the fight for every heartbeat.

“Through 50 years of science we have contributed to breakthroughs including advances in pacemakers, transplant surgery and the development of cholesterol lowering statins. We never cease to be amazed by the extraordinary ways people like you fundraise for BHF NI. Every contribution, big or small, plays a crucial part in every breakthrough we make so we are incredibly grateful for your support. “


Pictured L – R  Gary Wilson (BHF Fundraising Manager, Northern Ireland), Winston Pinkerton (RSPBANI President) and Ian Burrows (RSPBANI Project Manager) pictured at the launch of the RSPBANI President’s Charity 2016 on Tuesday 26th January. Photo credit – John Kelly