Just 9 days to go until the start of the Autumn 2015 Term at the NI Branch School. Check out the Centre details at https://rspbani.org/viewnews.php?id=998. All courses cost only £3 per week for the 10 week term and we’re now accepting PayPal including Debit and Credit Card for online payment. Thanks to all those that have signed up already, it’s extremely helpful to know pretty acurate numbers before the term starts. If you’d like to be an R.S.P.B.A. Adjudicator/Tutor/Teacher or just want to increase your Piping | Drumming | Drum Major knowledge then the N.I. Branch School offer the full range of nationally recognised qualifiactions to help you reach your goal. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, there’s no time like the present! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER