The President, Chairman and members of the Fermanagh Section RSPBANI would like to thank all the Officials, Bands, Drum Majors, supporters and public who came along yesterday in Enniskillen to the Fermanagh Championship. The weather was very unkind after the marvellous spell of wonderful weather we have all been enjoying, (the sun is shining once more again this morning) but despite yesterday’s weather conditions all of the bands performed superbly.

The March Past was excellent with the bands entering the arena quickly one after the other, we are indebted to our centre bands for performing their duties splendidly. A special thanks to RSPBA Director Arlene Graham and the Branch Stewards who coordinated the finale marvellously, to Danielle for helping out the Section, acting as Trophy Officer and Brian who came along to take photographs and record the prize giving.

Thank you also to our Chieftain, William Elliott who has been a lifelong supporter of pipe bands and who for many years has enabled our Fermanagh Championship to go ahead through his generous sponsorship and also his wife Kathleen who handed out the prizes.

The Fermanagh Section looks forward to next year’s contest and perhaps a change of fortune with the weather.


Ray Hall

